Saturday, December 17, 2011

Big Island Success Story - Found a New Home for Mi'i - Photo by Susan K. Nagy


It all started when we were taking care of a friends four pets, including some turtles and fish. For me that was just another beginning to fall in love with some new animals, and thankfully not new ones in our home. 

Angel, Tigger, Mi'i and Daffy

The Turtles
The Fish

Reverend Dallas B. Decker
is a semi-retired priest who recently held the post of Vicar at St. Jude Episcopal Church, located here in Ocean View. With his wife Cynthia, a retired music teacher, they continue to be pillars of our community. They are always on the go with various projects and an active life. Due to this constant travel, they chose us to take care of their  pets while they are away home. Two cats and two dogs, plus three turtles and some fish; Angel and Tigger are the cats names and Mi'i and Daffy are the dogs. Daffy is a  poodle about six years old and he was accustomed to tagging along with Father D. and Cynnie where ever they went.

Mi'i came into their lives when he was still a puppy just about three years ago, so Daffy stayed home to keep him company when their owners traveled. Mi'i is a lovely, fluffy, chubby Pomeranian. While taking care of the pets one  dark and lonely afternoon, I was suddenly wondering why these people had decided to have doggies for pets, when they are hardly ever home? The cats are fine, they are independent but dogs need closer care and these two in particular need walks, play and toilet breaks away from the porch. I was also sorry for the neighborts since they had to listen the constant dogs bark day and night.

We asked Cynthia, if she thought it might be a good idea to find a new family for Mi'i and return to the original circumstances of only Daffy being theirs.
She was thrilled with the idea and was hoping then Daffy could again go along with them where ever they went. The next morning my husband spoke with  Father D. and he loved the idea as well. The following morning I posted a simple ad on Craigslist to find a new family for Mi'i:

 Mi'i looking for a new family.
 He's a Pomeranian, 2 years old. Neutered.
 Owners are very busy.
Please contact me if you are interested in. ♥"

I attached some cute photos of Mi'i and then quickly we discovered my husband's phone kept ringing almost right away and did not stop! Mi'i was a heart throb instantly online.

The Loving Mi'i 

Carefully we listened to all the interested voice mails and made our selection based on Mi'is needs. The right combination of persistance and other mitigating factors combined with our gut feelings lead us to a decision for Mi'i but we would still need to meet the prospective new owners. 
They where more than willing to discuss and answer our questions as we grilled them for any possible red flag indicators. We found nothing that worried us. They have seven kids and a big fenced in yard. Their location also meant a fair climate and weather conditions for Mi'i's outdoor adventures, plus they had every intention of having Mi'i as an indoor doggie too! In a few days we arranged a meeting with them at the Volcano Camp Grounds; which out of courtesy and considerations, was half way  between their home and our place.

On that special day we went to pick up Mi'i from his house at the Deckers and they had his favorite treats and food, bowl, towel, toys and his leash too so he would feel more comfortable in the transition to come. Mi'i didn't get any breakfast that morning since he used to have car-sick tendencies. I chose to sit in the back of the truck and was making sure that Mi'i felt safe and secure with me near. I put my arms around him as his living seatbelt. He was quite comfortable without any signs of car-sickness and settled in for his long car ride.

Father D sad to see his little buddy go
but sure it was the right thing to do for Mi'i.

The Last Day;
Mi'i's BIG journey for a new family

The loving seatbelt.

My daughter Susan, who is visiting us from Seattle, WA.
was documenting Mi'is story with a few photos.
Susan K. Nagy is a professional model, photographer and graphic designer.
She took her education at the Hilo University, specializing in Digital Media Arts and graduated in 2009.
If you would like to contact Susan, you can contact her to click here.

Susan, my daughter and the photographer of this blog-page

It was raining heavy by the time we got to the Volcano National Park Camp Ground. Mi'i's new family was already waiting for us with their only daughter out of the siblings. She was about Mi'i's age and her little face light up upon seeing her new friend Mi'i. The first meeting was awesome, I knew right away that this new family would give Mi'i what he needed and deserved. The little fluff-ball was a bit shy and didn't wanted to leave our side. They were all excited to meet their new doggie and family member and were thankfully, a friendly, youthfull local couple and their Hawaiian ancestry meant a long history of canine association. We gave them the leash and they took their first few steps with Mi'i. It went great, everybody was happy and excited.

Volcano National Park, Camp-Grounds.
Meeting with Mi'i's new family from Hilo

Meeting with his new family from Hilo
Still waiting in the truck

After a friendly encounter, they took Mi'i to their truck, I kissed his little fluffy head and made him to feel safe once again. He was shaking a little bit and didn't really know what was happening but he felt comfortable to find out the little girl was to sit next to him. It seemed they were friends now and went away in the rainy excitment with hope in their hearts for their new futures together.

We are all very thankful to Damien and Corvetta for their kindness and love in taking Mi'i into their home and family.

Mi'i in his new car
with his new sister
Mi'i's first walk with
his new family

UPDATE: I asked my husband to call the new family so we can learn how Mi'i was doing at his new home....we are pleased to report that Damien says they are all very happy and Mi'i is running around the house just like a little human. He has all the love, play and friends he can handle and is very content with no signs of stress. Again, blessing upon all and even old Daffy is happy to be traveling again with his big daddy Father D.

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