Friday, October 24, 2014

Mercury Retrograte - ALMOST over

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
~Eckhart Tolle

'Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment'.
~Morihei Ueshiba

In 2014, Mercury is retrograde from…
February 6th to 28th
June 7th to July 2nd
October 4th to 25th


What happens when Mercury goes retrograde?

 All sorts of things! It’s like everyone you know has suddenly gone mad! You might find yourself getting into bizarre arguments about nothing at all, being unable to finish sentences or barely even able to form a coherent thought. Your computer and other electronic equipment is more likely to go on the fritz. You could experience travel delays, too. Double-check your flights and take a book with you to keep you occupied while you wait for the train! We don’t tend to get all the information we need at this time, so it can be hard to make big decisions and it’s not always the best time to sign a contract, either.

Everything happens for a reason.
We are ALL learning. I know I have.
The best thing about retrograde is that when it rights its path, there is an insurgence of creativity and inspiration. So, while you’re wallowing inside the dark pit of your misery right now, just remember that the light
in the future is bright.
Avoid Frustration and Disaster

1. Watch Out for Accidents. Because people aren't thinking or in a hurry, there's a higher propensity for accidents to occur out of the ordinary. Over these three weeks, be mindful of circumstances where you're likely to be careless because you're under stress or engaged in risk-taking activities. During the retrograde you'll often read about athletes who have weird accidents or unexpected injuries. 
2. Avoid Arguing or Fighting. That means even if you love to debate - do your best impression of Mahatma Gandhi during the retrograde. Don't argue with anyone in your day-to-day life, especially, lovers, friends, co-workers or your boss. No matter how well you normally communicate with these people, you'll find yourself misspeaking, saying the wrong thing and having disagreements you don't normally have. There is a very high propensity for mutual misunderstanding. Avoid being critical or to trying to push your own agenda. This is a time to listen to those you interact with. Be willing to throw out fixed ideas and agree to have an open discussion without trying to reach a final decision on any matter.
3. Delay Buying Boats, Cars, Motorcycles or Bicycles. Since Mercury rules transportation, any driving vehicle you buy is likely to be unreliable in some way; so it's not an ideal time to buy one because it may be a "lemon." Instead, research your favorites, test drive them, and then go home and evaluate your choices. Be ready to make your decision when Mercury goes direct.
4. Minimize Travel. These days, traveling is already filled with built-in hassles and stress. But they are amplified far more during these three weeks. If you can't put certain trips on hold, just be aware that you can expect an unusual amount of last-minute flight cancellations, meeting postponements and long transportation delays. Allow extra time when traveling; make sure your bags are very secure. Take extra precautions, because during this time they're more likely to be lost or stolen. (I bring my bags on the plane for this reason.) Re-confirm your reservations. Be patient and practice acceptance of the fact that inefficiencies are part of the retrograde. Slow down.
5. Don't Purchase Electronic Equipment, especially computers or phones. The planet Mercury rules computers and communication devices such as phones. When it goes retrograde, equipment of all kinds, suddenly do not operate correctly. Your fail-proof computer crashes or you end up buying the "computer from hell" - the one that had a defect when it was made at the factory. If you need to buy equipment, make sure to get a long-term warranty. Expect glitches to occur with any new software you install. Since hard drives can fail more often during this period, make sure to back them up ahead of time.
6. Hold Off Starting a New Project. This is not a fortuitous time to launch a new enterprise; it's a time for considering and evaluating it. While it's a great time to discuss a new idea, it's not a good time to make that "big presentation," that requires the support of others. During the retrograde people may either not understand it or oppose it. Or, you may find out later you left out a vitally important detail that you didn't think of. If your project is adopted, it may either fail or have to be totally restructured at a later date to succeed.

7. Avoid Signing Commitment Agreements. You're likely to skip over important details and regret it later on when you realize what you've forgotten. There's something you don't know that you'll find out when Mercury goes direct. For these reasons, it's a horrible time for negotiating contracts or making decisions. Avoid entering into any agreements or signing any legal documents unless you're prepared to make serious revisions in the future.

Wait until Mercury goes direct on October 25, to take action and make important decisions. When that happens, clearer communication will return, important data can again be relied on, and you'll see matters with crystal clear vision. You'll possess important information you didn't know while Mercury was retrograde. This new knowledge will help ensure you're making a correct decision. If you heed this cautionary advice, you'll have less frustration, fewer mistakes and disappointing failures during these three weeks. With every mistake we must surely be learning. I know I have. ;)


Many Blessings,
Katalin E. Csikos